Monthly Archives: April 2012

Half a Million Downloads and Counting on Windows Phone

It’s been a very interesting year in the world of Windows Phone. We started developing strongly for Windows Phone and we have about 40 apps currently in the marketplace

We have a few different categories for our apps, from games and social to sports.

Here is our profile page on the windows phone marketplace website, Please make sure you take a quick second to see all of our apps.

A few weeks ago we reached a pretty important milestone. +500,000 downloads!! very proud achievement for just 2 guys working eagerly on the Windows Phone platform.

We want to thank EVERYONE that has supported us and every single user that has downloaded one of our apps! We really appreciate you having a small place in your Windows Phone to install one of our apps.

We’ll continue to work extremely hard to provide quality, useful, fun and interactive apps for your enjoyment! Please keep checking back with us to see our newest apps!

Thank You, Thank You,

Thank You, Thank You,

Thank You, Thank You,

Thank You, Thank You,

Thank You, Thank You.